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Game over

Page no : 6

anupam modak (Article Clerk) (30 Points)
Replied 11 August 2014

hiiiii dont give up re.....i am also sailing the same boat....scored 191 twice...scored 59 in costing in one of the attempts....cud nt get one addnl mark for exemption even after revaluation....wht i can suggest u is join good ca firm which wil giv u good amt of exposure n most importantly it wil giv u ur confidence back....practical knowledge wil help u in ur studies as well...dont leave the course in betn....it wil nt giv u anything.....3 or 4 saal baad u wil feel kaash tabhi complete kiya hota....change the books...change ur study pattern....

Aishwarya (Student) (229 Points)
Replied 11 August 2014

I am also in the same position as you ...just one group you have..but I have both group...its almost 7 years since I joined the course..but let's focus and finish this off..don't lose hope..give a try..take a mock test at home itself..it ll improve your confidence

Subhashini (Articles) (55 Points)
Replied 11 August 2014

Hi Abi,

I startered my CA carrier in 2000 after passing my 12th, but for lot of reasons i can,t able to continue my course, but now i cleared my both groups of IPCC without coaching classes, and waiting for my final attempt in May'2015. Now i am 30+ and mother for 3rd std student. I resigned my prestigious job with my M.com qualification (getting good CTC also) for doing CA. Many people advised me don't quit job, it is not possible to get this job in future, bze i did my job in well known MNC, still only with my husband and close friends motivation i cleared my IPCC and doing articles (as you know well how much stipend we get for articles). so don't thing about income while studying. Throw your negative thinking while exam, do your best. Positive thinking will always give positive vibration in our life. it is my personal expereience. so don't give up. Best of luck

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Aishwarya (Student) (229 Points)
Replied 11 August 2014

Dnt loose ur hope manobaeta! (I'M ALSO PROUD 2 B A "C A STUDENT MOM!!" MY DAUTR S ALSO DNG CA LIKE U K! ) She hs also atmptd so many times!''' K, so wat I advise s 1ly applicable 2 u. Even f u die u must DIE VTH C A DEGREE K!"" so fight until u breathe ur last u fight n get ur CA! K. Try try until u succeed lk Robert the Bruce n d spider
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Prasanna Accounts Manager (M.com CA Final) (42 Points)
Replied 11 August 2014


I am also struggling since last 7 attempts..Not able to even cross 170+ in single group...But buddy dont lose hope...CA checks our patience...Prepare one more time but in smart & intelligent way...Reading all the books u have already read will not serve the purpose...to clear CA smart study is needed and not hard study...

AND....Whatever u have written are THE THINGS YOU DONT WANT INCLUDING THE TITLE "GAME OVER"!!! u dont want this....!!!

write the things you want, see what do you have and not what u dont have. leave it on to the universe....Universe will give you the things..attreact things u really want and not what u dont want...!!

Best of luck man...:)

Ruchi (Student) (74 Points)
Replied 11 August 2014

We can surely do it thats why we are in this stream. So never give up. You can do it just give one more chance and life will be yours

Anusha (pcc student) (53 Points)
Replied 11 August 2014

Sad but true!1

whtever happened to u is common.....

this is ca...a vicious cycle of may-nov!

i dnt find ca prestigious...they r simply playing wid our capabilities. i rather call it a SUICIDAL COURCE.

and it actually is. this doesnt mean i disrespect d profession, i simply disrespect their system of checking..

god knws wht they see n read while checking papers.

its better to leave it at early stage bt at dis point u cnt leave it!!

Finish it or esle it ll haunt u till ur last breath!!

so kp trying.. n ab ca ko itna bhaav na do.. do other things side by side.

GoodLUCK! (LUCK is wht u require dear friend)

Gurunath (Auditor) (38 Points)
Replied 11 August 2014

Hi Dear,

Dont Quit try once more,

kya pata Taala aakhri Chaabi se khul jaaye..

shubham (student) (238 Points)
Replied 11 August 2014

We often say that people in india dont have time and consideration for others but around 80 replies to motivate a person is big enough to refute above statement. It can only happen in INDIA and that to at CA CLUB INDIA proud to be a member at cci. All the best once again. Mr.abhishek.
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CS V Periwal (CS) (80 Points)
Replied 11 August 2014

Everything happens at its own time and I have seen various examples of same. Dont loose hope. And importantly dont waste so many restless days and nights, hard earned money of your parents they spent on you. 9 years of your life u spent on pursuing this course, Your most beautiful years of your life you spent in this, as every CA nd CS is suppossed to invest. Just for last 4 papers of this just a Course.


In whole I will just say if you have courage to waste all this just go with your stupid thought else be determined and just do it.


One more important thing, had you leave this and go for something else, you have to start afresh that means spending another 2-3 years atleast plus who knows that success may not be there in that field also. Surety is not there for anything, so just get stuck with what u was doing and for your own satisfaction you may simultaneously look for something else, But just dont leave it, Who knows this last time it will be in ur luck??


All the very best.




abhishek agarwal (BRANCH CREDIT MANAGER) (796 Points)
Replied 11 August 2014

Originally posted by : shubham
We often say that people in india dont have time and consideration for others but around 80 replies to motivate a person is big enough to refute above statement.

It can only happen in INDIA and that to at CA CLUB INDIA proud to be a member at cci.

All the best once again.

yes shubham ur quite right, i am myself surprised and gazed at the fact.

but really this platform had immensely helped me to get out of my failure and try for next attempt.

thanks to u all

Bhavin (Accountant) (25 Points)
Replied 11 August 2014

Dear Abhishek, sorry u couldn't make it, but ur journey is similar to mine but this time I have cleared. Ca exam, even I cleared my 1st grp in May 2012 and this was my 10 attempt dont loose hope this time I can the way of revising I help ca final student who were doing self studying by teaching them this help my concept to be more clear and this has increased mine confidence level. So dont give up. Study hard. Good luck think positive.

Bhavin (Accountant) (25 Points)
Replied 11 August 2014

Dear Abhishek, sorry u couldn't make it, but ur journey is similar to mine but this time I have cleared. Ca exam, even I cleared my 1st grp in May 2012 and this was my 10 attempt dont loose hope this time I can the way of revising I help ca final student who were doing self studying by teaching them this help my concept to be more clear and this has increased mine confidence level. So dont give up. Study hard. Good luck think positive.

Suhaanvi (ipcc) (56 Points)
Replied 12 August 2014

Give a last and final shot. U will definitely clear it. Just keep in mind a line which is like.. u set the rules, I will play the game and win. Just think once what icai wants from you in your answer sheet. I bet u must be having immense knowledge. November would be the time to show icai. In case u are frustrated, shower all your frustration on icai. Let them know who u real are and what u can do. Good luck.. Stay positive

abhishek agarwal (BRANCH CREDIT MANAGER) (796 Points)
Replied 12 August 2014

Originally posted by : Suhaanvi
Give a last and final shot. U will definitely clear it. Just keep in mind a line which is like.. u set the rules, I will play the game and win. Just think once what icai wants from you in your answer sheet. I bet u must be having immense knowledge. November would be the time to show icai. In case u are frustrated, shower all your frustration on icai. Let them know who u real are and what u can do.
Good luck..
Stay positive

yup..thanks for support n motivation.

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