If shares are purchased in a diversified portfolio, whether there will be gain or loss in the long run.Assume one is ready to wait for long time.
NILA REJESH P (Chartered Accountant) (815 Points)
21 June 2014If shares are purchased in a diversified portfolio, whether there will be gain or loss in the long run.Assume one is ready to wait for long time.
Naresh Pandey
(137 Points)
Replied 22 June 2014
The gain or loss will depend on your research and on which stocks you invest. Diversification reduces risk and simultaneously it will also reduce return. As far as gain or loss is concerned it depends upon the investment stragegy.
CA Saroj Kumar
(Keen to learn something new every moments)
(2588 Points)
Replied 06 July 2014
Diverisification is always done to reduce risk where investment is made into a portfoilo which has lowest risk and higher return ..hence it is possible in long run that customer will be in gain position...
(67 Points)
Replied 07 July 2014
As per my experience Long term Investors are always the gainer in stock market.. long term gives long moment in market but we have choose the right stock.
An good fundamental and techniqual ananlysis will reveal the companies future performance and so can invest in it.
And ofcouse an diversified portfolio is require such as few holding n different industries like if banking doesnt perform the infra stocks or rail stocks or telecom stock may perform. so diversification is really important for those who have good amount of hard earned capital to invest.
Vijay Lodha
(36 Points)
Replied 25 November 2015
Nothing is certain in the stock market either in the short run or long run.
(solve legal finance problems - shrmoney@gmail.com)
(148 Points)
Replied 25 December 2015
Please send your details by email at properacton gmail for further details.
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