Abhishek Kumar (Proprietor) (21 Points)

16 October 2020  

1. While uploading the E-form INC20A, signed with my digital signature, I am getting the error  "details of practicing professional is not valid/ Kindly enter a valid membership number/ certificate of practice number".

2. I am entering membership number as xxxxxx and Certificate of practice number as 111111. As certificate of practice number is a mandatory field in the form and I cannot leave it blank. 

3. I have also checked with ICAI and they have confirmed sending the data to MCA. 

4. I am also registered as MCA as a chartered accountant (professional) with ID xxxx. I am ACA and that is what I am selecting.

5. My DSC is also registered with this membership number xxxx

I have raised multiple complaints in MCA and they are giving standard reply, 

Has anyone else faced the same problem

what is the solution to this?

Kindly help