Exemption of Orientation programme for PE2/PCC Candidates

Rock (student) (1523 Points)

07 August 2010  

In view of the discontinuation of P rofessional Education (Examination -II), all students of erstwhile

Intermediate/ Professional Education (Course -II) shall have to switchover to Integrated Professional

Competence Course (IPCC) to continue their chartered accountancy course. As per the eligi bility

requirements of the Integrated Professional Competence Examination (IPCE), a student is admitted to

the said examination on fulfilling following eligibility criteria:

(a) Completion of nine months study course period;

(b) Successful completion of 100 hours Information Technology Training (ITT) ; and

(c) Successful completion of 35 hours Orientation Programme.

Having regard to the fact that erstwhile students pursuing Intermediate course and PE -II courses have

acquired requisite skills while pursui ng their studies and hardships being faced by them in completing

Orientation Programme and Information Technology Training (ITT) before appearing for the first time

in the Integrated Professional Competence Course (IPCC) , the Council at its 297th

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meeting held in

August, 2010 decided to give relaxation s in respect of different streams as under: