Draft aoa under new companies act, 2013

Page no : 2

Tanvi (Student CS) (46 Points)
Replied 15 October 2013

Sir, My mail id is: tanvi.cs1 @ gmail.com

Ajay Mishra (Company Secretary) (74342 Points)
Replied 15 October 2013

@ Ms. Tanvi


Hope u got the same.

1 Like

CS Ankur Srivastava (Company Secretary & Compliance Officer)   (17853 Points)
Replied 15 October 2013

Thanks for sharing Ajay ji.


Please also forward word copy  of MOA and AOA to my email.

Tanvi (Student CS) (46 Points)
Replied 15 October 2013

Yes Sir. Thank you so much

Pooja (CS) (35 Points)
Replied 17 October 2013

Dear Sir,

Pls mail me the word doc of draft MOA and AOA.

My e mail id is poojasurana89 @ gmail.com

CA Pradeep Kumar (Practice) (78 Points)
Replied 19 October 2013

Please mail me moa and aoa in word formate on my mail id - CAPRADEEPSING @ ICAI.ORG

CA Sanjay Jha (ACCOUNTS MANAGER) (914 Points)
Replied 28 October 2013

Dear Ajay g i also need moa and aoa as per companies act 2013. my mail id

casanjay09 @ gmail.com . plz send word format of moa and aoa ASAP

thanks in advance

Ajay Mishra (Company Secretary) (74342 Points)
Replied 28 October 2013

@ Mr. Sanjay......


Hope you got the same....

Sushant Mahajan (nil) (1621 Points)
Replied 30 October 2013



Can u pls provide me the draft in ms word at awesome99141 @ gmail.com


Thanks in advance.


Ajay Mishra (Company Secretary) (74342 Points)
Replied 30 October 2013

@ Mr. Sushant.... Hope you got the same.
1 Like

Sushant Mahajan (nil) (1621 Points)
Replied 30 October 2013

Thank You sir

CA Pradeep Kumar (Practice) (78 Points)
Replied 30 October 2013

Dear Ajay Ji,

Please mail MOA and AOA as per new companies Act 2013, my mail id is capradeepsingh @ icai.org


Thanks in advance.

Dear Ajay g i also need moa and aoa as per companies act 2013. my mail id casanjay09 @ gmail.com . plz send word format of moa and aoa ASAP thanks in advance

Read more at: /forum/details.asp?mod_id=267147&offset=3#.UnDrNFPzM1M

Ajay Mishra (Company Secretary) (74342 Points)
Replied 30 October 2013

@ Mr. Pradeep



Hope you got the mail.

SkDash (CS (Member) CWA (Final))   (909 Points)
Replied 31 October 2013

But why everybody is asking to share to "MAIL ID". Anyone please upload in the site so that anyone can see.




CA HIREN JETHVA (Practicner ) (35 Points)
Replied 06 November 2013

send me MOA & AOA in word formate hjethva @ gmail.com from CA Hiren Jethva

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