A short motivational story.


A girl was sitting in library, confused, tensed and sad, with lot of books around the table but no one in her hands.

Her eyes were closed, may be she is thinking something.


That’ pressure, the pressure of study.


A boy came near to that girl.


Boy: Hello,       Girl: Hey.


Boy: It’s the best place to sleep, even I had many and this place has got some magic in it.


Boy continues with a smile: Why are you so much tensed?


Girl: Civil Services exams are breaking by back. I think it’s too heavy for me.


Boy: It’s not the about the load that breaks you, It’s about, how you carry it.


Girl with surprise: It means I not preparing well or I am wrong?


Boy: Nothing in this world can be completely wrong because a stop watch is right twice a day.

Be confident, what you read is become yours and the things you are going to read will be yours.


Girl: Its right, but you can’t understand the feeling of failure?


Boy: Failure is not crime but low aim is crime and moreover low aim will always lead you to the failure.

The world will not give you what you want - it will give you what you demand with your actions.


Girl listening carefully: Actions, but I am running short of time for my exams?


Boy: The problem is, Lack of direction, not lack of time. We all have twenty-four hour days.


Girl: Is Civil Services is right thing to do?


Boy: Usually, the right thing to do and the hardest thing to do are the same.


Girl: Thanks, you made me clear in many things, that right direction, faith in yourself, high aim and all things followed by the actions is requried to achieve what you want.

But just last question, Do you come near to me, to motivate me or you saw me tense and to help me or to gain my attention.


Boy: It's not that some people are interested in you and some don't... It's that some people are ready to bring change in you and others are not.

Boy smiles: I will not try to convince you to love me, to respect me, to follow me. I am better than that.... I  am a C A....Goodbye



I have written something like this first time,,, please if you find any correction / improvement, i am waiting your all valuable suggestions and that suggestions means  a lot.


Ashish Barthwal