10 ways to prevent s@xual molestation and eve teasing



10 . Self defense .

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Enroll girls in some classes like Karate or Taekwondo etc . If the girl is aware of her potential she will be able to tackle the molesters with ease .


9. Control on Entertainment media . 
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Giving movie an A certificate is not the solution because adults are the culprits here . There should a strict control on the way women is presented on screen .


8. Active As Citizens . 
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The old saying still is prevalent without a doubt that United we stand Divided we fall . No evil can prevail in the society if we decide not to let it stay . We have to speak up and take a stand . 


7. More frequent police patrolling .
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The authority cannot wait all the time for the victims to come to them . It is too late when the victims or their families reach there . The police should be on patrol all the time . 


6. Strict and more efficient laws .
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Our law does not allow a missing report to be registered within 24 hours . It waits for 24 hours and then registers a complaint . Anything can happen in those 24 hours . A quick action is required in such situations . There should be a separate court for these cases . A stricter law is currently the demand of the country .


5. Be well behaved . 
keep calm and behave yourself 2 257x300 10 Ways to Prevent Sexual Molestation and Eve Teasing

Whenever you go out for anything or anywhere see that you are well behaved . Do not ry to seek attention . If you out with your group see that you all are being decent . Do not pick up fights with others which usually is seen when people are in groups . Picking fights have resulted in revenges which usually is paid by the woman in the group with her dignity . 


4. Avoid late nights .
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The night is always is sinister . 


3. Avoid going in isolation .
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So stay in places that have a good amount of people present . This prevents the chances of incidences .


2. Stay in groups . 
 10 Ways to Prevent Sexual Molestation and Eve Teasing

As far as possible do not go out alone . Stay in groups . 


1. Dress decently .
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It is very important to look decent when out in public . 


SOURCE https://spotonlists.com/health-lifestyle/10-ways-to-prevent-s*xual-molestation-and-eve-teasing/