Value of one rupee!!, a lesson to learn


As per my promise, I had to get a toy for my son,

When I entered inside toy's shop with my son, his budget was fixed to100/-, He was excited and start to look for the best one.,

As I was observing, his hands were reaching a toy again and again, and he use to keep it back,

I asked him, whether he liked it,  he said "yes, but I will not take it" and started to take a look of other toys,

I wondered why!!, my curiosity made me to check whats wrong in that..

That toy was really good, so I called my son again, if he want he can take it..

But his answer was "NO", and the reason he mentioned was..

the cost of the toy was101/-,

It was a big surprise for me, Even I insisted to buy it, he was rigid, his answer was no,

Later he choosed another one within the limit,. ,As a mother, its my duty to encourage his strong mind, rather than saying "Its ok, one rupee doesnt matter.."

That kid may not be knowing the value of hundred rupees, I was the happiest, as he know the value of One Rupee,

He indeed taught me a lesson that day, we should not cross our budget, no matter how much we liked it...

I just thought of sharing it with you...