What is the HSN / SAC code for Goldsmiths ?
Can a Goldsmith opt for GST Composition Scheme ?
What is the rate of GST for Goldsmiths in Regular Scheme ?
What is the rate of GST for Goldsmiths in Composition Scheme ?
Soumya Laha (Advocate & Tax Consultant) (4698 Points)
20 April 2021What is the HSN / SAC code for Goldsmiths ?
Can a Goldsmith opt for GST Composition Scheme ?
What is the rate of GST for Goldsmiths in Regular Scheme ?
What is the rate of GST for Goldsmiths in Composition Scheme ?
(30 Points)
Replied 21 April 2021
Soumya Laha
(Advocate & Tax Consultant)
(4698 Points)
Replied 21 April 2021
7114 is the HSN code for Jewellery items and GST rate is 3% for regular. But I asked for Goldsmith's (Jewellery maker who incomes from Labour Charges) SAC code details, which is 998892 (Jewellery Manufacturing Services). But there is a lot of confusions ?
What is the GST rate for SAC 998892 ?
is SAC 998892 elegible for Composition Scheme ? if yes what is the GST Rate?
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies