Ca final direct tax v.g gupta or manohran book ? self study


hello friends my attempt is in may 14 , i can only devote 2-2.5 hours per day for 3 months.. i am giving both groups .. so i am hard pressed for time..  self study


so i have only 2 hours x 90 days =180 hours for preperation of direct tax now i am getting confused which book i should buy T.n maohran or Vinod gupta ?

vinod gupta has 7 books for 1 subject can they be completed in this amount of time ? or should 1 buy maohran ..

i have searched a lot .. people say you need to supplement maohran with case laws , rtp etc .. do we need to do that in vg modules also ?.. i will buy book tomorrow 


i have checked Vg sirs module contents and there is no salary , house property , head do we need to study that from ipcc books ?

so which 1 will be best suited ?
