CA Articleship: How to perform well

Ankur Garg (Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)   (114778 Points)

19 December 2009  

Dear All,


Please find below few tips regarding how to perform well during CA Articleship. Hope these tips would be off some help during your tenure as an article assistant. This article is completely based on my personal observation.


1. First understand the concept of articleship and analyse the need to introduce the system of articleship in Chartered Accountancy course.


2. Calculate the necessity of articleship in your life keeping in view your future growth. This calculation is possible only if you follow point no. 1 honestly.


3. After doing UNC analysis [Understand + Need to introduced + Calculate] in accordance with point No. 1 and 2, decide your future course of action i.e. level of seriousness, mental involvement and commitment during your tenure as an article assistant.


4. Keep one “observation diary” with yourself. Note down all the important observations made during your articleship period.


5. As per my personal understanding some special observations, which can play the decisive role in shaping your career as Chartered Accountant, include the following:   


            i.)     Overall attitude of your learned Principal and senior staff.

            ii.)    Approach of your principal towards clients.

iii.) Adoption of new amendments by your firms along with their successful implementation.


6. Try and interact more and more with your learned seniors. More interaction with your seniors and Principal will help you to gain confidence and improve your personality along with ability to deal with any kind of catastrophe situation.


7. Give more importance to your career as a successful Chartered Accountant along with continued future growth instead of your personal ego or office politics.


8. Keep yourself updated with latest amendments. If you follow this suggestion honestly then am sure that this point will surely reflect your strong attitude towards professionalism and your desire to a part of prestigious ICAI.


9. The best method to win the confidence of your Principal and other learned seniors is to work very hard with utmost sincerity and dedication. Always follow your ethics and maintain the hard work.


10. Always remember articleship is a great and once in a life time opportunity keeping in view your future growth and enhancement of your knowledge and other professional skills. So make full use of this great opportunity.


11. Let me tell you one of my experience cum source of my tiny knowledge -Five years back my first boss told me this renowned saying “I learnt because I wanted my boss to teach me” and believe me friends rest is a history. I hope you got the message.


12. Stay away from any kind of office politics and do not engage yourself in useless activities like gossiping etc. as this would be seriously considered as waste of your and firm’s precious time. Always remember time is money.


13. Try, understand and observe the true meaning of -- Discipline in your work + corporate etiquette + positive approach and adopt this meaning to convert yourself in to a super human being and a true professional.


14. Always remember you guys are future professionals so there is no need to take the things personally and follow the policy of “just move with the flow”. Dil pa mat la yaar…


15. Always prefer and maintain good, healthy and long lasting relations with everyone i.e. with your Principal, client or fellow professional. This is one of the essential pre-condition to be a successful professional.


16. Try, improve and workout on your communication skills, dressing sense and ability to learn things quickly. Kindly consider all these things very important in order to make yourself adaptable with corporate environment.


Awaiting your kind response on the above mentioned points.



Best Regards

Ankur Garg