AoA - retirement clause - implication

Max Payne (employed) (2569 Points)

16 September 2010  

Dear friends, this is a clause in the AoA of a Private ltd Co...



16. One-third of the Directors of the company shall be liable to retire by rotation,

retiring directors being eligible for re-appointemnt


Now, I have some problems here....


1. The company has only 2 directors. (Cos the 3rd person passed away in March 2010). How to calculate one-third?


2. If one of these 2 directors has to retire, can there be a valid quorum for AGM? 

Articles provide that there shall be at least 2 directors of the company.

PLUS, these two are the only shareholders! (Yes, the third person passed away in the first sub-question)

How to apply regulation 75 of Table A? Its not a board meeting??



3. Now, since sections 256 and 255 do not apply to private company, (this is not a subsidiary of a public co) can this director retire at a time other than AGM? The provision in articles is that the company shall appoint directors in general meeting....


4. Between these 2 directors, should the person who has been longest in office necessarily retire? Articles are silent in regarding the criterion for person who should retire?


Please suggest if adherence to rotation can be done away with, by back-date-altering-AoA-before-AGM or its ok to ignore the rotation for this time?