!..here's why We fail..!

Sanket (!..Live to Give..!) (16427 Points)

28 June 2013  

So, have you ever tried one of those strategies:


- goal setting

- positive thinking

- law of attraction


Have they worked for you?


If you’re anything like me your answer will be probably

“some of the times”.


LoA (Law of attraction) occasionally works. But it doesn’t

work in 100% of the cases.


Traditional goal setting works as well, if your goal is super-easy

or you have an iron willpower and determination.


Positive thinking is all good, but it doesn’t lead you to success.


Only one thing does, and it learning to leverage yourself.


Yesterday I told you Personal Efficiency that there’s actually 

one reason behind all failed goals.


And really, it all comes down to one thing.


No matter what your goal is, be it weight loss, business,

finding your soulmate, or flying to the moon, the reason

for failure is only one:


Inability to take consistent action.


Remember those words:




This means that you do something on a DAILY basis.


Imagine you had a healthy nutritious breakfast this morning.

Was it helpful for your body and energy level?


Yes, it was.


Now imagine you eat healthy breakfast daily.


The difference will be drastic.


To achieve anything worthy you need to be able to

take consistent action. Usually it means developing

success habit.


If you want to lose some weight you need to develop

a habit of exercising regularly.


If you want to write a book you need to write daily.


If you want to start your business you need to work

on it every day.


The ability to take consistent action is what separates

successful people from…well, unsuccessful.


Force yourself into action and battle with your

willpower daily.


For now, just make your CHOICE....!



Best Regards,


@ aspire to #Inspire