How to extend all level in trial balance in detailed format as alt+f1 adn f12 does it to a extend not the sub ledgers..Help me
Amit Gupta (Loosening Myself) (1508 Points)
14 August 2010How to extend all level in trial balance in detailed format as alt+f1 adn f12 does it to a extend not the sub ledgers..Help me
(72 Points)
Replied 14 August 2010
my dear
i think that there is no option to do so but if u want technical support of tally then i will forward mail at ur e mail id. send me ur mail id at my id dinesh6vashisht @
Manoj BG
(Tax Professional and in Service)
(1795 Points)
Replied 14 August 2010
U can do so...
Press Shift+Enter at the main ledger in Trial Balance, it will show the sub ledgers under it....
Try it..
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