CA Sudhir Halakhandi (PRACTICING CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT)   (13401 Points)

03 June 2009  




Q.:- 1.Vat was first introduced as a tax in the year:-

(c ).1948

Q.:- 2.Vat was first introduced by the:-

(a). France
(c ).USA

Q.:-3. Tax in VAT is levies at:-

(a). First stage
(b).Second Stage
(c ).Last stage
(d).Every stage

Q.:- 4.Which was the first Indian state introducing VAT successfully:-

(a). Rajasthan
(c ).Haryana

Q.:-5. A dealer has purchased raw material of Rs. 1 Lakh @ 4%, and Rs. 25000.00 @ 12.5%. He sold the goods at Rs.2 lakhs and the tax rate is 4%. What is the tax payable?

(b).Rs. 1345.00
(c ).Rs. 875.00
(d).Rs. 1545.00

Q.:-6.CENVAT in our country is applicable on :-

(a).Central excise
(b).Custom duties
(c ).Central Excise and Service tax
(d).Service Tax

Q.:- 7. In India VAT has replaced:-

(a).Central Sales tax
(b).State Sales Tax
(c ).Service tax
(d).Central Excise

Q.:- 8. Which is most common variant of VAT used world wide:-

(a).Gross profit variant
(b).Consumption variant
(c ).Gross product variant
(d).Gross income variant

Q.:- 9:- Which variant has been introduced in India while introducing the VAT?

(a).Consumption Variant
(b).Gross product variant
(c ).Gross Income Variant
(d).Gross profit variant.

Q.:-10. : - To claim the input credit of tax paid what is most important document:-

(a).Permission of the Sales tax authority.
(b). Proper VAT invoice
(c ).Cash Book

Q.:-11:- Which document was issued by central Government to discuss the VAT:- 

(a).Brown paper
(b).Black paper
(c ).Red paper
(d).White Paper

Q.:-12:- VAT was first introduced in India in present form by Haryana in the year:-

(c ).2005

Q.:-13:- Central sales tax is a:-

(a).Hurdle in implementation of VAT
(b).Support of successful implementation of VAT
(c ).Increase the efficiency of VAT
(d).Decrease the efficiency of VAT

Q.:-14:- After introduction of VAT:-

(a). The process of revival of CST is also started.
(b).The process of strengthening the CST is also started.
(c ).The process of phasing out of CST is also started.
(d).CST has nothing to do with vat.

Q.:-15:- What is the present rate of CST:-

(c ).3%

Q.:16- Due to introduction of VAT:-

(a). tax evasion is restricted.
(b).tax evasion is increased.
(c ).Vat has nothing to do with evasion of Tax.
(d).tax evasion has become easy.

Q.:- 17- Which out of the above are the quality of the Vat:-

(a). Transparency and accounting cost
(b).Transparency and administrative cost.
(c ).Transparency and certainty .
(d).Transparency and CST

Q.:- 18- Vat introduction will certainly:-

(a). make the revenue collection worst.
(b).make the revenue collection better.
(c ).the revenue collection are the same.
(d).revenue volume has nothing to do with introduction of VAT

Q.:- 19-The accounting under the VAT will be:-

(a). Regular and cheap.
(b).Regular and expensive
(c).Irregular and cheap.
(d).irregular and expensive

Q.:- 20-Which was the first Asian country to introduce Vat:-

(c ).Republic of Vietnam

Q.:-21- X and company a trader of Rajasthan purchased Goods worth Rs. 1 Lack each from Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra by paying 2% Tax. The balance of input credit of the company is Rs. 10000.00. What will be the Balance of input credit after these two purchases on which the company has paid Rs.4000.00 as tax?

(a). 12000.00
(c ). 10000.00

Q.:-22- Y and company has purchased capital goods worth Rs.10 Lakhs by paying the Vat @ 4% and as per law applicable in the state the input credit will be available in half yearly installments in the quarter ending in Sept. and March. The input credit on purchases of raw material for the II quarter is Rs. 1.32 lakhs and the out put tax is Rs. 2.00 Lakhs. Calculate the tax payable by the dealer for the II quarter.

(c ).Rs. 48000.00
(d).Rs. 38000.00

Q.:-23- Roxon and company (Maharashtra) has purchased raw material worth Rs. 10 Lakhs after paying VAT Rs.40000.00 and also purchased the same raw material worth Rs. 25 Lakhs after paying inter-state sales tax amounting to Rs. 50000.00. Calculate the input credit.

(a). Rs. 90000.00
(b).Rs. 40000.00
(c ).Rs. 70000.00
(d).Rs. 65000.00

Q.:-24- James and company have purchased Raw material worth Rs. 40 Lakhs by paying a VAT of Rs. 1.60 Lakhs and 67% of the same is used for production of Tax free goods. The other input credit of the company is Rs. 4.65 Lakhs and the out put tax is Rs. 12.26 Lakhs. Please calculate the tax payable by the dealer.

(b).Rs. 864000.00
(c ).Rs.601000.00
(d).Rs. 708200.00

Q.:- 25-Jolly enterprises have purchased raw material worth Rs. 10 Lakhs after paying VAT of Rs. 40000.00. The manufactured goods have been sent on interstate branch transfer. The other input credit of dealer is Rs.67000.00 please calculate the total input credit.

(a). Rs.67000.00
(b).Rs. 107000.00
(c ).Rs. 68000.00

Q.:- 26- Jolly enterprises have purchased raw material worth Rs. 10 Lakhs after paying VAT of Rs. 125000.00.00. The manufactured goods have been sent on interstate branch transfer. The other input credit of dealer is Rs.67000.00 please calculate the total input credit.

(a). Rs.125000.00
(b).Rs. 192000.00
(c ).Rs.152000.00
(d).Rs. 182000.00

Q.:-27- John and company has purchased goods worth Rs. 10 Lakhs after paying VAT Rs. 40000.00 out of these goods a sum of Rs. 1 Lakh goods used for personal purpose, Rs. 5 Lakhs sold in the state, Rs. 3 lakhs in the interstate sales and Rest in Branch transfer. How much input credit will be available to dealer?

(a).Rs. 32000.00
(b).Rs. 38000.00
(c ).Rs. 40000.00
(d).Rs. 20000.00

Q.:-28 In Indian context the neutrality quality of VAT system is restricted to:-  

(a). The Interstate purchases
(b).The Branch transfer
(c ).The state Purchases
(d).The imports.

Q.:-29- VAT laws and provisions have been made by:-

(a).The Central Government
(b).The Finance Ministry
(c ).The State Government
(d).The president of India

Q.:- 30- Which committee was constituted for introduction of VAT-

(a).Empowered committee of state Finance Ministers.
(b).Empowered committee of state and Central Ministers.
(c ).The implementation committee of state finance Ministers
(d). The VAT introduction and implementation committee.

Q.:- 31 – Who was the chairman of the committee of state Finance Ministers for introduction of VAT:-

(a).Dr. Chandra babu Naidu
(b).Dr. Budhdev Bhattacharya
(c ).Dr. Asim Das Gupta
(d).Dr. Monteksingh Ahluwalia

Q.:- 32- Who released the white paper prepared by the committee of state Finance Ministers:-

(a).Dr. Manmohan Singh
(b).Shri Atal Bihari Bajpayee
(c ).Shri P. Chidambaram
(d). Dr. Sam Pitroda

Q.:- 33- What are the basic rates of VAT in INDIA:-

(a). 1-3-12.5%
(c ).1-4-12%

Q.:-34 Which Method of calculation of Tax under VAT has been introduced in India:-

(a). Invoice Method
(b).Addition Method
(c ).Subtraction Method
(d).Addition plus invoice Method.

Q.:-35 In invoice Method of calculation of VAT ultimately:-

(a). The Finished goods and raw material are taxed at different rates.
(b).The Finished Goods and raw material are taxed at the rate of tax applicable on finished goods.
(c ).The Finished Goods and raw material are taxed as per the state law.
(d).The finished Goods and raw material are taxed as per Central law.

Q.:- 36:- Which Method of calculation of Vat is superior if the Goods are taxed on more than one rate:-

(a). Addition Method
(b).Subtraction Method
(c ).Addition plus subtraction Method
(d).Invoice Method

Q.:-37- If all the Goods are taxed at single rate than the results of all the three Methods of calculation of Vat will be:-

(a). The same
(b). The different
(c ).The same with minor difference
(d).Some times same and some times different

Q.:- 38- TIN means:-

(a). Tax Information Number
(b).Tax India Number
(c ). Tax Identification Number
(d).Tax Introduction Number

Q.:-39- The scheme of payment of tax on Gross turnover for small dealers is called:-

(a). Compromising scheme
(b).Consolidation scheme
(c ).Composition scheme
(d).Clubbing Scheme

Q.:-40- The maximum limit for opting for scheme for payment of tax on gross turnover for small dealers is:-

(a).Rs 40 Lakhs
(b).Rs. 20 Lakhs
(c ).Rs. 15 lakhs
(d).Rs. 50 Lakhs

Q.:- 41:- The rate of “composition tax” on gross turnover for the small traders can vary from:- 

(a).0.33% to 050%
(b).0.25% to 1%
(c ).1% to 4%
(d).1% to 2%

Q.:- 42:- The composition dealers can purchase goods:- 

(a).Within the state from registered dealers only
(b).within interstate trade or commerce- CST purchase
(c ). From Unregistered dealers
(d).From any one from their choice

Q.:- 43-The composition dealers

(a).Can not pass the input credit
(b).Can pass the input credit over 4% of tax
(c ).Can pass the input credit of whole of the tax paid by them within the state
(d).On certain goods they can pass the input with the permission of state Government.

Q.:- 44- The VAT procedures for the composition dealers:-

(a).Are the same as VAT dealers.
(b).More complex than the VAT dealers.
(c ).Simple and less complex than VAT dealers.
(d).Simple but in some areas complex.

Q.:-45- If manufacturer has the choice of purchase the raw material from composition dealer or VAT dealers then if the other condition are the same then he will purchase the goods from :-

(a).VAT dealers
(b).Composition dealers
(c ).Any one of the two
(d).Non of the two

Q.:- 46- Input credit is not available on:-

(a). Capital Goods
(b).Purchases within the state
(c ).CST Purchases
(d). None of the three above.

Q.:-47- The raw material is purchased by paying VAT @ 12.5% and the finished goods is sent on “Branch transfer” how much  % of value of Goods is available as input credit :-

(c ).8.5%

Q.:- 48-What is the General threshold limit for registration of dealer and payment of tax has been mentioned in the white paper is:- 

(a).Rs. 10 Lakhs
(b).Rs. 5 Lakhs
(c ).Rs. 25 Lakhs
(d).Rs. 50 Lakhs

Q.:-49-If the Gross turnover of a composition dealer is Rs. 48 lakhs and the rate of composition tax is 0.50% then what will the amount of VAT credit passed by the dealer to his purchasers is :-

(b).Rs. 12000.00
(c ).NIL
(d).Rs. 48000.00

Q.:-50- A trader has purchased goods worth Rs.20 Lakhs after paying tax of Rs. 80000.00 as VAT and he sent the Goods as branch transfer. He can avail the input credit:-

(c ).Rs. 20000.00


1954-VAT was first introduced in 1954.
France-France was the first country to introduce VAT in 1954
Every stage- Vat is a multi point taxation system in which sellers collect tax at every stage of sale and at the time of deposit of the same they deduct the tax paid by them on their purchase.
(c )
Haryana- Haryana has introduced VAT in 2003 itself and was the only state to have it till the other 20 states introduced it in 2005.
(c )
Rs. 875- Tax payable = (Out put tax – input tax).
Out put tax is 4% of Rs. 2 Lakhs-    Rs. 8000.00
Input tax i.e. input credit- 4% on Rs. 1 Lakh = Rs. 4000.00 and 12.5% on Rs. 25000.00= Rs.3125.00 hence the total input credit is Rs.  7125.00
Rs.8000- Rs. 7125.00= Rs. 875.00 Tax payable by the dealer.
(c )
Cenvat is central value added tax is applicable on Service tax and central excise and both are vatable to each other i.e the service tax paid on services used for manufacturing of goods can be claimed as credit while paying the excise duty and further the central excise duty paid on goods used in providing the service can also be taken as credit while paying the service tax.
(b )
State Sales tax- The value added tax system – VAT as introduced in India is a replacement of traditional sales tax system in the states.
( b)
Consumption Variant- The consumption variant has been formulated in such a way that it take into account the credit of VAT paid on raw material/ purchase of goods as well as capital goods hence it is superior than other two methods.
Consumption variant- Since consumption variant is more logical and also popular worldwide hence India has also adopted the same.
Proper tax invoice- The vat input credit can not be claimed with proper VAT invoice hence the tax invoice having TIN of seller, Name of Seller, name and address of purchaser , TIN of purchaser and tax amount written separately on invoice etc . is required to claim input credit.
( d )
White paper- The empowered committee of state Finance Ministers has issued a policy documents agreed between them on the matters connected with the VAT. This is called “white paper” It was released by the then Finance Minister Shir P. Chidambaram.
(d )
2003 – It was already mentioned in the answer of question No. 4 that Haryana introduced VAT in 2003.
(a )
Hurdle in the successful implementation of VAT since the credit of CST purchases is not allowed hence a process to phase out the CST has started. It has come down from 4% to 3% and then 3 % to 2% and not the trade and industry is waiting for it’s coming down to 1%.
( c)
The process of phasing out of CST is also stated . The same has also explained in the answer of question No.13.
( b)
2% - At present it is two percent and trade and industry is waiting to be declared it at 1% as promised by the Government as per it’s phasing out plans.
Tax evasion is restricted- Since the VAT is payable at each stage and input credit can only be claimed through proper VAT invoice hence VAT restricts the evasion of Tax.
(c )
Transparency and certainty – The ultimate consumer knows that what he is paying as tax and further the amount of tax is payable on tax collected on sales Less tax paid on purchases so it is certain.
Make the revenue collection better- since evasion is restricted and further the Government gets the tax on value addition hence the revenue collection will certainly be better.
Regular and expensive- Since the payment of Vat has to be done on regular basis hence a proper and regular system of accounting is required. The Vat is a complex system then the earlier sales tax system hence the accounting will be more expensive.
(c )
Republic of Vietnam – Please see the module supplied by ICAI to confirm the answer.
(c )
Rs.10000.00- The input credit on CST purchases i.e. purchases from Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra is not available nothing is to be added to the balance of Rs.10000.00 in the input credit on account of the CST purchases. The input credit will remain Rs.10000.00
( c )
Rs. 48000.00- The input credit on capital goods is available in two installments in Sept and March hence the input credit for the quarter ending on Sept. is Rs.20000.00 (Out of total Rs.40000.00 input credit on capital Goods) . The total input credit including this Rs.20000.00 is Rs. 1, 52,000.00 (Rs. 1.32 Lakhs Plus Rs. 20000.00). The out put tax is Rs. 2.00 Lakhs. Hence the tax payable is Rs. 2 lakhs- 1.52 lakhs= Rs.48000.00
(b )
Rs.40000.00 Since no input credit is available o inter – state purchases.
Rs. 708200.00 The input credit is available on only 33% of the raw material on which the tax paid is Rs. 1.60 lakhs. (67 % of the same has been used for making tax free goods hence not allowed as ITC) The amount if eligible ITC came to Rs 52800 and total ITC (Rs. 52800.00 Plus Rs. 4.65 lakhs) = Rs. 517800.00. The output tax is Rs. 12.26 Lakhs hence tax payable is Rs. (12,26,000- 517800)= Rs.708200.00
Rs.67000.00 . Since in case of branch transfer the input credit is allowed with respect to tax paid over 4% but the rate of tax is 4% hence nothing over 4% is paid hence no ITC can be claimed on account of purchases of Rs. 10 Lakhs. The balance of ITC Rs.67000.00 is the answer and nothing can be added to it.
(c )
Rs. 152000.00- Since the credit with respect to goods sent on branch transfer can be claimed over and above the tax paid @ 4%. Since tax is paid @ 12.5% hence a credit @ 8.5% is allowed and it is 8.5% of Rs. 10 Lakhs which comes to Rs. 85000.00 . Since earlier ITC is Rs. 67000.00 and if we add Rs. 67000.00 to it the total ITC will be Rs. 152000.00
(a )
Rs.32000.00- The dealer can claim the credit on the Goods sold within the state and also on CST sales. No credit will be allowed on personal use and further since the rate of tax is 4% hence no credit is allowed on branch transfer. The total goods sold in within the state and Inter-state (CST) sales are Rs. 8.00 Lakhs hence @ 4% Rs.32000.00 is allowed as ITC.
State Purchases- The neutrality quality of VAT means the rate of tax does not affect the decision of the manufacturer to purchases the raw material since the ITC is allowed on it. If you pay 4% then get 4% rebate and if you pay 12.5% you will get the credit of 12.5% so it is the quality of goods that decide the decision of purchaser. The effect of rate is neutral.
But since credit of CST purchases is not allowed hence if one state is selling goods @ 2% and other @ 1% or exempt than it will affect the decision hence this merit is restricted to State purchases only.
( c)
The state Government- The Vat is a state subject hence all the states have made their own law in this respect.
( a)
Empowered committee of state Finance Ministers- This is the fact hence no comment is needed.
(c )
Dr. Asim Das Gupta- This is the fact hence no comment is needed. Mr. Das Gupta was the FM of west Bengal.
( c )
Mr. P. Chidambaram – The white paper was prepared by the Empowered committee of the state Finance Ministers but it was released by Mr. P. Chidambaram – the then finance Minister.
(d )
1-4-12.5 % This is the fact hence no comment is needed.
Invoice Method- Invoice method is truly reflect the effect of Vat hence India like other countries have introduced it.
The Finished Goods and raw material are taxed at the rate of tax applicable on finished Goods.
(d )
The Invoice Method
( a)
The same.
(c )
Tax Identification Number.
Composition Scheme
(d )
Rs.50 Lakhs
Rs. 0.25% to 1%
Within the state from registered dealers only
Can not pass the input credit
(c )
Simple and less complex than VAT dealers.
( a)
Vat dealers
(c )
CST Purchases
( c )
8.5% - Over and above 4% i.e. 12.5% - 4% = 8.5%
( b)
Rs. 5 lakhs
(c )
NIL – Since the Composition dealers can not pass the ITC.
(d) .
NIL- Since the rate of tax is 4% and in case of Branch transfer the credit can only be passed on over and above 4% tax paid hence the answer is NIL.


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