Stipend rate - 8000 pm, its rocking and shocking

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Raghav Behani (Chartered Accountant) (944 Points)
Replied 06 January 2012

Er..! Ok, Pakistani articles earn 8000 p.m in Pakistan Rupees. Converting to INR it is approx. 4500. Now take an example, in India bread costs approximately Rs. 20, so in Pakistan it costs around rupees 40! Hope you're understanding what I mean to say. Now suppose we import an iPad worth $1000. In India it costs Rs 50,000 and in Pakistan it costs 90,000!! In Zimbabwe, in 2009 notes of million dollars were printed! A bread there was costing Millions of zimbabwean dollars! Doesn't mean that all the people there were Billionaires. So 8000 in Pakistan is worh 4500 in India as the prices of products there too is higher! What costs 25 in India will cost around 45-50 there.

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Replied 06 January 2012


Finally I want to give one conlusion friends. Why most are comparing with pakistan articles stipend. Most don’t know what is their subject and scope of it. It’s a rubbish mess we all are discussin with. My first comment of article was already given a HIT COMMENT.

It does’nt make any difference for us to discuss on it. Or never ICAI will see particular post. May be they  know this. But why because they are getting more immediately indian ICAI will take a chance to raise. Its all rubbish. And really getting more words. For the sake of professionalism I don’t want to take it.

So friends. Read it and close the tab. It would be better I strongly think.

N K TIWARI (Accounts) (47 Points)
Replied 06 January 2012

Actually, every where inflation is visible in India except ICAI's articles stipend. Certainly advantage goes to Member Incharge not to the article. He is always dependent on parents. Suppose DTC fare is Rs. 15 for Non AC bus from one side and taking both side it is Rs. 30/- and if you multiply it is around Rs. 660/- for 22 days (if Saturday is not taken)  plus normal communication charges (mobile bill) Rs. 300/-. Then how much article is dependent on parents or guardian it can be very well known.  

Nikihl (Industrial Trainee) (25 Points)
Replied 06 January 2012

right Ravinder sir

Replied 06 January 2012

Ravinder paji and nikil. For your kind information till now I never mentioned that I am an article student. Ok. Still I am in  CPT.

Ashish shukla (Industrial trainee) (110 Points)
Replied 06 January 2012

But still Icai has to revise its stipend rate as icwa has too revised. and shwn a increment


Shivank Khanna (B.Com CA Final) (162 Points)
Replied 06 January 2012

Dear All,

                  Its better that we collectively raise our concerns at an appropriate forum infront of the institute. I am hopefull they will seriously look into this matter


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md asif iqubal (article) (100 Points)
Replied 07 January 2012

Jo bhi ho! Articleship is just like ordeal to pass and it increases the pain of CA course.

I strongly support to increase the stipend amount of articleship so that student get something to cheers on.

Asha S (Director -   (193 Points)
Replied 07 January 2012

I have seen how hard CA article clerks work and based on their performance stipend should be as follows:

Tier 1 Cities: $8,000 - $15,000

Tier 2 Cities:  $7,000 - $10,000

Tier 3 Cities:  $5,000 - $10,000

In advance countries interns are paid very well.  ICAI should compare them with advance countries.

After passing the CA inter (PE-II) exam students should not be called article clerk?  ICAI should use some good terminology for them. CA inter pass students are better than MBAs who are earning 2 – 3 lakhs per annum.

Increasing the stipend will encourage more good students to choose CA as profession rather than MBA from B/C/D/E/F grade management institutes.


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Krish (CA Final ) (3331 Points)
Replied 07 January 2012

Originally posted by : Asha S
I have seen how hard CA article clerk work and based on their performance stipend should be as follows:
Tier 1 Cities: $8,000 - $15,000
Tier 2 Cities:  $7,000 - $10,000
Tier 3 Cities:  $5,000 - $10,000
In advance countries interns are paid very well.  ICAI should compare them with advance countries.
After passing the CA inter (PE-II) exam students should not be called article clerk?  ICAI should use some good terminology for them. CA inter pass students are better than MBAs who are earning 2 – 3 lakhs per annum.
Increasing the stipend will encourage more good students to choose CA as profession rather than MBA from B/C/D/E/F grade management institutes.

 I Appreciate..........ur comment...........Mamyes

Mehul patel (CA Final) (29 Points)
Replied 07 January 2012

There is still difference of Rs.3000/- So my dear friends think about it!!!!

swathi (Accounts Officer) (349 Points)
Replied 07 January 2012

Originally posted by : srinivass

What About ICAI

CA Devender Chauhan (Group Financial Accountant)   (1526 Points)
Replied 07 January 2012

Originally posted by : Anoop N S

I PKR =.58 INR,

So while converting the above 8000 PKR

.58*8000=4650 INR

actual stipent for the articles of Pak is only 4650 indian Riupees

which is more than double what we get in India..........


Naresh (CA ) (365 Points)
Replied 07 January 2012

Why are you ll comparing Indian salary with Pakistan...

You should be happy that you live in country like India and not Pakistan.

Even if  they get Rs1,00,000 for articleship, will you be ready to go and do articleship there, ask your self?

So be Happy with what you have, Money is not everything.

Rohit Kumar (M.COM) (147 Points)
Replied 07 January 2012

kash aisa ho jaye icai mai bi,

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