Annual General Meeting:
Private Limited Company: Annual general meeting of private limited co.’s can be held anywhere in the world [note the word "place" in Sec. 166(2)(b)]
Public Limited Company: The meeting as to be held in the registered office or at any place in the city, town or village where the registered office is situated. [refer section 166(2)]
Government Company: The meeting can to be held in the registered office or at any place in the city, town or village where the registered office is situated or at any other place approved by the central government. (refer notification no. S.O. 591(E) dated 17th Mar 2011)
Board Meeting:
If 301 register is to be updated: The board meeting can be held only at the registered office of the company. [refer sec 301(5)]
If 301 register is not required to be updated: The board meeting can be held at any place in the world provided that the articles of association as not specified a particular place.
Hope my reply serves your requirement.