Query regarding supply of certified answer books
A D - Loving Life (none) (1234 Points)
21 March 2014A D - Loving Life (none) (1234 Points)
21 March 2014
(1668 Points)
Replied 21 March 2014
yes u can download it for your future reference .
and the date is from date they send you the mail i.e. date when your account gets activated for downloading the certified copies.
A D - Loving Life
(1234 Points)
Replied 27 March 2014
(1668 Points)
Replied 28 March 2014
you cant even clam this when fiving yor actual examination than how can you expect this in mock test...my dear......
A D - Loving Life
(1234 Points)
Replied 28 March 2014
(22 Points)
Replied 01 April 2019
I have received mail regarding my certified copies on 5th march 2019,with respect to Nov 2018 exams of IPCC. Unfortunately i couldn't view them within the prescribed time i,e 20th march 2019. I 'm in search of an alternative, to view my certified copies. So please help me out in this regard.
6 days Certification Course on GST Practical Return Filing Process