Patience - most essential thing for success!

CA Srikanth Yadav (Chartered Accountant) (3162 Points)

13 January 2014  

Many times, things won't happen as quickly as we want them to happen. It takes some time to achieve something. In other words, without patience, you won't be successful in your life.



Speaking of patience, I want to tell you the story of Chinese Bamboo Tree. The Chinese Bamboo Tree takes 5 years to grow. And when they go through the process of growing it, they've to water and fertilize the ground everyday. And it doesn't break through the ground until the fifth year! But once it breaks through the ground, within 5 weeks, it grows 90 feet tall! 



Now the question is, does it grow 90 feet tall in 5 weeks or in 5 years. The answer is obvious. It grows 90 feet tall in 5years.Because at any time, if that person stopped watering it, nurturing it or fertilizing that tree, that bamboo tree would have died in the ground. 


So I want to conclude that you've to learn to be patient in your life


"And patience is not just an ability to wait; but the ability to maintain good attitude while waiting."


Good luck!




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