Make a Great Study Timetable

Darshu (CA) (1580 Points)

17 July 2008  
While discussing his problem of not being able to perform good, a student unintentionally made it clear to me what his actual problem was.  He was not able to follow his timetable, he would decide to make a timetable and strictly follow it, each time failing to do the same. He would again form another timetable after regaining his self-confidence (which would take 2-3 weeks, each time taking longer than before) and would again not be able to follow it.  He would take 1 or 2 days in making a perfect timetable but to no use.  He could not study properly as he tried relentlessly to follow his failed timetable.  
In the above case, the problem was not with the child but with his timetable.  Most of the students do the same.  All of us know how important timetable is but what we do not realize is that the timetable should be a part of us representing our capabilities and needs and not the topper of your class.
Most of the students become very specific in their timetable, like assigning a particular time for studies and other activities but most of the times there is something or the other that disturbs your timetable by half an hour or so-it could even be your own thoughts that distract you like day dreaming which usually ends up wasting much of your time.  Never try to follow such a strict timetable especially when you are a beginner.  Always spare 1-2 hours of the day so that if you are not able to follow your timetable you will still have some spare time to do what you wanted to.
Another problem that comes with schedules is that we force ourselves to follow the same timetable throughout the year.  Always start with baby steps, gradually increasing the time of your studies.  
All of us know that Indian festivals acquire most of the space in calendars.  It would be totally unfair to you if you decide to follow your timetable while your relatives enjoy the festivities.  Neither will you be able concentrate on your studies nor will you enjoy.  It is better to schedule your timetable according to the festivals.  You can increase your study timings before the festival and enjoy the festival when it comes.  If you do not want to abandon studying totally then you will still have a lot of time.  It is not as if the festivities will last the entire day.  Moreover rather than starting on a new topic revise what you had already read.  Take a look at your notes and try to remember what the chapter was about.  This would take lesser time and you will have plenty of time to enjoy.
Another important thing to include in your timetable is time for revision.  It could be at the end of the month or during weekends-whichever suits you.
However, always remember that even after you have found a perfect timetable that suits you, it will be your dedication towards your goal that will help you succeed.