Listed ncd - cumulative option - taxability on sale

Amol (Service) (65 Points)

18 August 2011  

Hello members,

With many NCDs being available I have a question pertaining to taxability NCDs with cumulative option.

For such NCDs on tax is to be paid on accrued interest for every financial yr.

What if, after I pay tax for couple of years, I sell the NCDs on a stock exchange?

I saw a similar query answered here /experts/details.asp?mod_id=315360 saying that section 10(38) will apply and the tax will be NIL. But as far as I know Section 10 38 with NIL LTCG is applicable only for equity related securities and NCD is not one of them. For other instruments it was modified to 10% without indexation or 20% with indexation. If the answer in above query is wrong can a expert also post a reply to the above post?

Thanks for viewing/replying.
