Is gst applicable on labour cess?
Srinivasa Ganesh
(Article Assistant)
(456 Points)
Replied 21 February 2018
vamsi krishna
(Article Assistant)
(268 Points)
Replied 21 February 2018
It will be form part of Value of Supply (GST will applicable) Subject to following Conditions:
1) aforesaid CESS shall not be levied under CGST, SGST, IGST and Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Acts.
(23 Points)
Replied 20 February 2019
Hi My Name is Hidayath,
Iam Working in Construction Company as a accountant, I need to know about Gst is Implement in all this taxes labor welfare cess, over payment, royality charges, security deposits, Income tax, Can u please tell about this topics brefly with sections, this is my mail id hidayath.hiddu36 @ gmail.com, can any one send pdf or documents regarding this topics,
Anveksha padhye
(2 Points)
Replied 04 February 2021
Hello Everyone,
Deduction rate under BOCWW Act is 1%. My question is that the deduction 1% + Gst or Gst shall not be added in the deduction.
Adv Anveksha Padhye
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies