Good Thoughts



Goods Thoughts
Good actions give strength to us and inspire good actons in others.
Never underestimate the power of words. They can elevate the spirit.
A successful team work beats with one heart. 
Instead of setting goals based on outcomes, set goals which focus on performance.
Experience teaches us when to wait and when to move forward.
Goal “seting “is improtant … Goal” doing “is more important.
Success comes from having the proper aim as well as the right ammunition.
Success comes not as much by changing the circumstances of our lives as by changing our attitude towards them .
The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention .
Do more than exist: live… Do more than look : observe …….
Do more than hear : listen … do more then listen : Understand .
Yesterday is a cancelled cheque ; Tomorrow  is a promissorry note ;
Today is the only cash you have so spend it wisely .