Changing the way of filling the itr 4 form..

K Suresh (Investment advicer) (51 Points)

02 August 2014  

Dear All,

For one of my clients, for the last three FY years are so, in his ITR 4 Form and more particularly in the page of Balance Sheet, all the entries had been made in such a manner as though he had been keeping all the regular books of accounts. However my client actually never maintained any such books of accounts. And his annual income from LIC business (his sole source of income) is less than Rs.10 lakhs. Hence for the AY 2014 - 2015 at least, he wants to fill the Balance Sheet in ITR 4 Form by just mentioning gross receipts and gross expenses in item 6. Is it possible thus to change the method of filling the Balance Sheet of ITR 4 Form?

If someone can advice and enlighten me in this regard I will be really grateful and thankful indeed!


K. Suresh.