Answer of cpt exam june-2010

AMIT (CA STUDENTS) (412 Points)

10 July 2010  


      Given answer of cpt exam june-2010

 1) A ltd company acquired assets worth Rs -11,25,000 from B ltd and issued shares of Rs -100 each towordes consideration at a premium of 25% how many shares shll be issued ?

        A) 9,000  B) 7,500  C)  10,000  D)  None of these


 2) Which of the following in not a feature of imperpect competation ---------

        A) Homogenous product   B)  Product differention  C)  Few seller  D) Price war

        (This qusation i have asked  in earlier posts but many students has give answer  of homogenous product but according to me the answer is price war Beacause in imperpect competation there are two types of market they are monoply competation and oligopoly  hence there are also homogenous product and differnent product  and also few seller but there is no price war )


3) Price discrimination is found in-----------

         A) Seller alone selles  B)  Monoply competation  C) Oligopoly  D) None

   ( This qusation also I asked  In earlier posta but some given answer is oligoply and some give are monoply competation but according to me the answer is seller alone selles  the term seller alone selles meanes monoply  The price discrimination found in monopoly and when only one seller selles goods meanes seller alone selles goods and that is monoply )


4) Bills receivable discounted recorded in ---------

      A ) Journal  B) Ledger  C) Cash Book   D) None of these

     (This qusation answer given in mastermind qusation paper is cash book but iam very confused please given me correct answer of bill discounted recorded in cash book or journal )


In cpt exam there are  qusation releted  to calculation of income elasticity there are also iam confused please tell me what answer of that qusation whatever the answer is  -2 or 2 please solve my qusation

 Please any wrong answer i given please post here