3 Exercises That Improves Concentration



If you find yourself lacking focus and concentration, check out these simple exercises. You can do these practically anywhere, and over time you will notice huge improvements in your concentration


Exercise 1
Count the words in a single paragraph. Could be in a book or magazine, or it could be this paragraph. Doesn't matter. Just count the words, and then count them again to make sure you counted correctly. After one paragraph becomes easier, move on to counting all the words in two paragraphs. Then do the whole page. Use only your eyes and do not point with your finger.






Exercise 2
Count in your head backwards from one hundred to one. Then count from one hundred to one, but this time count in threes, such as 100, 97, 94, 91, 88, etc.





Exercise 3
Try to think no thoughts for at least five minutes. This is pretty tough, but you can do it. Start at one minute if you have to, and move up from there. Do your best to reach the goal of five minutes without thinking a single thought. This can take time, but over time you will improve and your concentration will excel along with it.



Take it slow

Don't beat yourself up if you find it difficult to concentrate at first. Just do the best you can. Stop when you feel you are finished and pick it back up later or on another day.