!..leave the past..!

Sanket (!..Live to Give..!) (16427 Points)

29 September 2012  

Leave the past…when you think its hard, trust God!… one step is all He asks of you…



If love fails, set yourself free, let your heart spread its wings and fly again. Remember you may find love and lose it, but when love dies, you never have to die with it.

In love, never put yourself in a situation where you don’t know what you are to a person. Never expect and never assume so that if they decide to drop you out of their lives, you have enough strength to move on.


Sometimes, when people decide to leave you for good, you have to let them go. No matter how much you don’t want them to. There are some things that are far beyond our control and even if you have the strength to fight for them, you have to accept the cold, harsh truth…

Today let’s fall in love with the person in the mirror, the one you see everyday but seldom truly look at, the one who gives more than they ever take. Today let’s take nothing, not this day, not this moment, not this chance, not even ourselves, for granted. Let’s first love who we are.