!..do you ignore the gift you have got..!

Sanket (!..Live to Give..!) (16427 Points)

23 March 2013  



You’ve been given a gift.

The most precious gift that you can imagine.

The gift that gives you the power to design your life and enjoy as much success and abundance as you want.

We all have this gift. But strangely, some of us ignore it, and as a result we drift through life on auto-pilot.

I’m talking about the gift of choice.


1. You can snap at the person you care about when you’re annoyed or you can choose to pause and let go of your irritation.

2. You can spin your wheels trying to make your ends meet or you can choose the right mindset and generate abundance in your life.

3. You can continue feeling unenergized and unmotivated or you can choose to change your environment so it’s uplifting and inspiring.

4. You can lead a quite life of boredom and desperation or you can choose to take control over yourself and become the better version of YOU.

5. You can struggle trying to be a good parent or you can choose to become a successful role model for your children.


It’s all up to you.

Living consciously is not easy.


You can not do it once and then relax happily. It requires constant mental effort and a lot more of your cognitive resources, because you have to think about every decision, every action that you make, rather than reacting automatically and going with the flow.


But as we learn to be more conscious about our choices and our actions, we immediately see the positive changes in our life: our relationships with other people improve, we gain clarity, instead of just drifting through the fog of uncertainty and indifference, and we suddenly become more aware of the beauty of nature, the kindness of people and the little joys of life that we were too busy to notice earlier.


!..Choose your life..!