What is Stress ? Some Tips

Santhosh Poojary (SIEMPRE AHÍ PARA TI) (15607 Points)

23 October 2010  

Stress is an emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition of mind which occurs in response to adverse external influences.

Stress raises the level of adrenaline 

which leads to increase in the heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure and puts more physical stress on bodily organs.

When some thing pleasant or unpleasant happens around you, which puts you in a state of strain or pressure, it is called stress.

 Various other concepts which are linked to the word stress are:









The nature of stress is broadly of two types :

Eustress (Positive stress)

Distress (Negative stress)

Both may not necessarily occur due to positive and negative events compulsorily.

The reason being, the distinction between good or bad depends upon the perception of an individual.

The various types of stress can also be further categorized.Stress functions at three stages namely:

Alarm stage

Resistance stage

Exhaustion stage

The level at which you are defines the further coarse of action.

Stress can directly or indirectly lead to development of physiological or psychological disorders.

Long-term stress can play as a contributing factor in heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, enlargement of the adrenal glands and other illnesses.

To know stress better we first need to identify the stressors.

They are both external and internal. The identification is necessary to decide the kind of treatment required by one.

Stress management treatments are available in the form of various medications, therapies and techniques. All you need to do is explore, so go ahead!