Validation Guide of eTDS Return 24Q-Q4 FY 2023-24 thourgh e-TDS/TCS Return Utilility Version 5.1

Deepak Gupta (Tax Professional) (45 Points)

25 May 2024  

Salary Records-- Annexure II [eRPU Version 5.1]

-For statements pertaining to FY 2023-24 onwards,

A---------- If "N" selected, then no value should be specified under field no. 70, 74 and Deduction under section 16 [except deduction under section 16(ia) and deduction under 80CCD(2)]; Then:--- FY 2023-24 onwards: -

a------Column No. 93 if [No—Means New Regime Selected] ---Then
No Value in these columns---
ColumnNo.-[62]               --Travel concession or assistance [section 10(5)],
ColumnNo.-[66]               --House rent allowance [section 10(13A)]
ColumnNo.-[11]               —16ii
ColumnNo.-[12]               —16iii
ColumnNo.-[19;20;70—77; 80--86]          —Related to Chapter VI-A
ColumnNo.-[15]-House Property Loss with yes/no into related Column No.-[42] and if Yes then name of the lender

But Can Put Value in these columns----
ColumnNo.-[13]               —16ia
ColumnNo.-[78-79]         —80CCD(2)

B---------  If "Y" selected, then value should be specified under field no. 70, 74, Deduction under section 16, all chapter VI-A deductions and deduction under 80CCD(2); Then:

b------Column No. 93 if [Yes—Means Old Regime Selected] -----
Value should be specified under fields –
Travel concession or assistance [section 10(5)],
House rent allowance [section 10(13A)]
Deduction u/s 16
All chapter VI-A deductions
Deduction u/s 80ccd(2)
House Property Loss--- [ColumnNo.-[15]-House Property Loss with yes/no into related Column No.-[42] and if Yes then name of the lender]


Deepak Gupta