Tips to come out of depression

BALASUBRAMANYA B Npro badge (CCI STUDENT....) (44668 Points)

23 January 2010  

Don’t let depression destroy your life and dreams. While medication and therapy can help, personal initiative is the greatest determinant in

your recovery.

Depression is a common mental disorder whose symptoms are depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth , disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy and poor concentration. These problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairment in an individual’s ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. At its worst, it can lead to suicide.


Depression affects about 121 million people worldwide.

It is among the leading causes of disability worldwide.

With early intervention and effective treatment, 60-80 % patients can recover and reclaim fulfiling lives.
Yet, less than 25% of those affected have access to effective treatments. If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, don’t despair. There is hope and help. Don’t let depression destroy your life and dreams. While medication and therapy can help, personal initiative is the greatest determinant in your recovery.

Here are eight keys to help you recover and thrive:


Take responsibility for your wellness. Do not blame yourself or others for your depression. Seek help.


Empower yourself through education, advocacy and support. Knowledge is power. Educate yourself about the signs and symptoms of depression.


Stigma is often more debilitating than the symptoms of depression. Have courage to overcome stigma and other barriers to treatment and recovery.


Always believe in your ability to recover and thrive in life.


Don’t let depression blind you. Create a vision for your life and let it be your guiding light.


Depression not only affects an individual, it also impacts everyone around him. Have empathy for others in your life - friends, family, and colleagues.


Don’t give up. Strengthen your body, mind and spirit through meditation, exercise and healthy lifestyle.


Remember, you have the key to your personal wellbeing. Unleash the power within to recover and thrive in life.