export masters & entries from x ltd & import into y ltd. at tally how it is possibled?export combined balance sheet report in excel.how it is done? at tally display combined balance sheet & profit & loss report how it is done?
intermediate(ipc)course (no) (1460 Points)
02 January 2013
export masters & entries from x ltd & import into y ltd. at tally how it is possibled?export combined balance sheet report in excel.how it is done? at tally display combined balance sheet & profit & loss report how it is done?
C.A. Sandeep Wawhal
(1831 Points)
Replied 02 January 2013
Flow this option
Open two companies
as like first company - P1 (Name)
& Second company - P2 (Name)
Gateway of Tally->Atl+F3->Create Group Company (P3 - Group Comany Name, Master Company) -> Members->P1 & P2 (1st & 2nd Company)
and now u open Group Comopany (P3)
and check your data
i hope u solve ur prob.
best of luck
(1460 Points)
Replied 02 January 2013
how to create export & import in tally.
(manager accounts)
(37 Points)
Replied 04 January 2013
Dear Friends,
Please tell me is there any website to learn TALLY online. It will be helpful to learn TALLY at home by seeing online. Please suggest the site name. Thanks in advance.
CA Sanjay Bag
(3345 Points)
Replied 04 January 2013
You may follow the following steps:
1. Open two Companies Simultaneously. Namely Company A and Compoany B
2. Export the masters/Ledgers
Next step is to export the ledgers masters. Masters which are presented in company A should be there in Company B also. For this select the multiple ledgers which are involved in dec sales transactions or all sundry debtors.
Go to
Accounts Info--> Ledgers --> AlTer in multiple Ledgers --> Sundry Debtors. You would see all your Sundry Debtors.
Press F3 and select Company B. Accept the screen by pressing Ctrl+A. Your all sundry Debtors of Company A are in Company B.
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