Some energy conservation tips


29 June 2011  


higher fuel prices, and global warming, most people have more than one reason to conserve energy. By conserving energy you can save money and save the planet too. Reduce your carbon footprint by following some really easy energy conservation tips in your home and on the road.



As heating and cooling are among the highest electricity consumers, tackle these first and you will see immediate changes in your power consumption. Install a programmable thermostat to control the temperature of your home. This way you can stay comfortably warm in winter and comfortably cool in summer at a reasonable cost.

Set your thermostat on the hot water heater at 120 degree Fahrenheit. This again will save you considerable amounts of energy.





Use compact fluorescent lights with the Energy Star Label (CFLs). This will save you a lot of electricity again with no discomfort to you. In fact change all your electrical appliances to those with Energy Star labels. Their energy efficiency will soon payback the cost of replacement




Air-dry your dishes instead of using the dishwasher’s drying cycle. This will again save you money and electricity at no inconvenience to you. Make it a point to operate your dishwasher and washing machine only when they are full. Apart from saving electricity, you will also use less water this way. For washing clothes use the cold water cycle. Your clothes will come out just as clean. If you have the space, use a clothes line or drying rack to dry your clothes. By not using a clothes dryer, you will save a lot of electricity.




Turn off your computer and monitor when not in use. If it is not possible to turn off your computer, put it in sleep mode as this consumes less electricity.


Switch off TVs, audio receivers, cable and satellite recievers and DVD players when not in use. They consume power even in standby mode. Remember to unplug mobile phone chargers after using them, as they continue to consume power if left plugged on.


On the Road


When on the road, drive at the recommended speed for your automobile. Aggressive driving, speeding, acceleration, and braking, uses up more fuel.




In the kitchen use small toasters and electric pans, when heating small portions of food. This will reduce the energy used considerably. Use pressure cookers and microwave ovens whenever possible as they reduce cooking time and, thereby, save on electricity.




Set the refrigerator thermostat at a reasonable level – say 40 degree Fahrenheit for the fresh food compartment and 5 degree Fahrenheit for the freezer section. This will keep your food from spoiling while at the same time conserving energy. In fact, it is advisable to get an Energy Star rated refrigerator with an automatic moisture controller. Again, the appliance will soon pay for itself in the energy savings that it delivers. Top freezer models are more energy efficient than models with the freezer at the side. Choose a refrigerator that is right for your family’s needs. Too large a refrigerator will unnecessarily consume electricity.




It is only after conserving all the electricity that you can, should you opt for a residential solar energy system or other means of reducing your electricity bills further. This is because conserving electricity is still cheaper than generating electricity – even using a solar power system.