Any one need service tax automated challan please write to azmath @ springfieldsschool.com
CA Ravi Rahul k. Gupta
(Chartered Accountant)
(27 Points)
Replied 21 May 2008
Sir, I need of the automated challan of service Tax. Please mail me to
ca.ravikguptaonline @ gmail.com
Azmathullah Khan
(Accounts Manager)
(1386 Points)
Replied 22 May 2008
Nagaraju sir pls submit u r email ID or mail me ur Id at azmathullah9 @ gmail.com
(907 Points)
Replied 28 May 2008
In Tally 9 just pass a payment entry, GAR 7 will get printed with all the details.
Azmathullah Khan
(Accounts Manager)
(1386 Points)
Replied 31 May 2008
Mr. Subramanium
If some one not having the tally what will they do.
Azmathullah Khan
(Accounts Manager)
(1386 Points)
Replied 31 May 2008
Mr nagaruju Please provide U R email.
(907 Points)
Replied 02 June 2008
Dear Mr.Khan,
I have taken a general scenario that most of the people will be using Tally(SMEs).
Please ignore if somebody is not using Tally.
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