What s the procedure to apply for Retotalling.... If we apply, wat they do.... Will they revaluate our Papers again?
CA Harish Suwalka
(Chartered Accountant ( Bhilwara ))
(4125 Points)
Replied 22 November 2009
Procedure for Verification of Answer Books of Chartered Accountants Professional Education- II/ Professional Competence/ Final Examinations-(30-01-2009)
The Additional Secretary (Exam)
ICAI Bhawan
Post Box No. 7112
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi – 110 002.
Shanthi lal G
(21 Points)
Replied 03 February 2010
sir whether we have to submit marks card with letter
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114778 Points)
Replied 03 February 2010
Kindly visit the link below:
As per my opinion ICAI never allows the re-valuation of answer sheets. As per earlier ICAI notification fee for re-totaling and fee for verification of answer books is Rs. 100/- per paper subject to a maximum of Rs. 400/- for all the papers of a group/ both groups.
Write an application by hand (printed applications ate of no use) giving detail w.r.t. your Roll Number, address, Attempted Group, papers desired to be revalued and attach the required fees by way of postal order favour of Secretary, ICAI. Result will be out in max of 30 days. Chances are low but you can’t say.
This application is required to be submitted with in a month from the date of declaration of result.
The application for revaluation alongwith the desired fee DD may be sent to :
The Additional Secretary (Exam)
ICAI Bhawan
Post Box No. 7112
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi – 110 002.
Best Regards