Renewal commission of a deseased agent

K Suresh (Investment advicer) (51 Points)

20 March 2014  

This is related to my earlier query posted on 16th March, 2014. Some one was kind enough to answer my query pertaining to the ITR to be used while e filing the returns of a female client whose only income (which she gets every month) is the renewal commission given for the businesses that her late husband had done as an LIC agent. I was advised to use ITR 1 and to consider her present income under the catagory of 'other income'...

However in her 26AS form, her income is being catagorised u/s 194D - INSURANCE COMMISSION.

So, of the two, ITR 1 and ITR 4, which one would be apt in this case?

I would be grateful if some one can throw more light on this issue...

With regards

- K. Suresh.