Related to Point Of taxation: Rule 5:
If service is provided before the levy of Service tax and payment received after service tax levy, Will service tax be imposed on that service?
Mihir Doshi
(B.Com, CA, CS, LLB)
(2187 Points)
Replied 12 April 2012
Dear Ashish,
Explanation of Point of Taxation Rules in layman's language:
If service provided before 31st March 2012, there may be two situation with respect to receipt of income as well raising of invoice.
If Invoice is raised before 31st March 2012 but Payment received after 1st April 2012 then Rate of service tax would be 10% otherwise 12% .
In nutshell, Out of three events i.e. Provision of service, Raising of invoice and Receipt any of two events happened before 31st March 2012 then Service tax would be 10% and vice a versa i,.e. 12%.
Hope you would have understood the simplicity of POT rules.
Mihir Doshi
Akhilesh Kapadia
(106 Points)
Replied 12 April 2012
(366 Points)
Replied 13 April 2012
I haven't understood the points of both replier.
My question is:
say A is providing services to his clients long before and that service was exempt from tax but on 1-5-2011 notification comes and that service is also subject to service tax. Now in regards to one of his client he has provided service before 1-5-2011 but payment for that service was received on 10-5-2011. Invoice for that is issued on 15-5-2011. Now whether that service which is provided for 10 lakh say be taxed? Reason with the reference of pot rules
(42 Points)
Replied 14 April 2012
The taxable event for the purpose of rate would be when the services are provided or rendered and not in the raising of invoice for making payment.
as per the decission of gujarat high court in the case of CCE v Schott Glass India
Dilip Darji
(392 Points)
Replied 14 April 2012
Dear Sir.
In this case the date of completion of Service is 15/03/2001 (prior to 10/05/2011). Service became taxable from 01/05/2011. Payment received on 10/05/2001. Invoice issued on 15/05/2011. The Point of taxation would be 15/03/2011. On the date of point of taxation Service was not taxable so not tax.
Get the opinion of others also.
pulkit kahlya
(64 Points)
Replied 19 April 2012
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