please clarify

passionate (ca final article ) (45 Points)

18 February 2010  

Please clarify sum of my doubts.

1) in a case law is it always defendent  vs. plaintiff or the other way round. wat we mean by vs. is it verses or something else i think.


2) what we mean by debit note and credit note . i know but i get confused. so pls clarify


3) we do bank reconciliation. is their need to reconcile for all months when we can see that last month sataement is we need to check for before months also.? whats the true need for reconciliation?  mostly they match..


4) is a sole proprietor treated like an individual in every case for income tax purposes? he will be assessed as an individual only.


5) can a ca do audit of a co. or firm if his huf  has given advance exceeding 1000 to it?


6)can bank audit (concurrent) be taken if ca has a/c(saving)  with the same bank?