Nine thoughts for Success

Jyoti Malik (ACCOUNTANT) (2644 Points)

23 June 2009  


Nine thoughts for Success
  1. A dependent fellow went to the master and cried “I failed”. The master answered: “You will did your best that is success not failure”.
  2. There are two things to aim in life: First to get what you want and next to enjoy it. Only wisest man achieves the second.
  3. Success and humility are not incompatible they are the twins in the family of success.
  4. Try to be like the flowing stream of water. Every time it is obstructed by stones, it either tries to break them to better still change its course to remain always in motion. The water that stops moving a head when stopped by impediment stagnates and rots.
  5. Success without honour is like food without salt. It will satisfy your hunger but won’t good.
  6. Road to success is not doing one thing 100% better, but doing 100 things one percent  better.
  7. don’t worry about failure. Think about the chances you missed when you don’t even try.
  8. When love & skill work together expect a miracle.
  9. I would rather be a failure at something I enjoy than be a success at something I hate.