for law... is munish bhandari sir's book sufficient or we have to learn the actual section from bare act??
thnks in advance
Mayank Garg
(22 Points)
Replied 13 September 2012
Devadas K S
(One life one Dream)
(3525 Points)
Replied 13 September 2012
munish bhandari sir's book is sufficient for Law...
you can refer bare act if you want to gain additional knowledge...
(108 Points)
Replied 13 September 2012
so.. its nt at all necessary to learn bare act?? and any other book???
Devadas K S
(One life one Dream)
(3525 Points)
Replied 13 September 2012
For Law part, munish bhandari sir's book is enough. and for Ethics and communication part, use Institute Material... it's enough to score more than 60...
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114778 Points)
Replied 14 September 2012
Munish Bhandari book is really good for exam preparation along with ICAI study material. Further at IPCC level you can avoid taking reference from Bare Act. However it would be good if you could develop the habit of taking reference from bare act as the same will be very helpful for your final preparation. According to me Strategy/technique to prepare Section in Company Law is:
1. First read the Section from Bare Act as bare act contain the pure law passed by legislature/Parliament.
2. Then read the same section from your law book with full concentration. You may refer book of Munish Bhandari for CA IPCC/PCC and CA Final.
3. Now it is the turn of your coaching notes. Read them thoroughly. Analyse all the situations discussed in the class.
4. Now read all the previous exam problems based on that particular section from book. Use scanner with ICAI suggested answer to prepare previous exam problems.
Try and understand the application of section in practical problem. If you follow the above 4 points carefully and honestly then you may consider your section finished for life. Believe me and try this method.
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(21627 Points)
Replied 14 September 2012
Book is more than sufficient ... no such real need for reading bare act ... If you have time+ good and keen interest in law then go for bare act ...
and about Study material ...... it's too wide to sum up .....simply won't advise.
(Senior Process Executive)
(305 Points)
Replied 18 September 2012
Munish Bhandari book is really good for exam preparation.
(200 Points)
Replied 22 September 2012
For Law, only refer Amit Karia's LAW ETHICS & COMMUNICATION by Bharat Law House...
(78 Points)
Replied 09 October 2012
AMIT KARIA's book is the best & very personalised and contians a balanced flow of basics & advanced provisions, with real book building tables.
Some striking features in Amit Karia's book not found in other books are:
1. Book Building Table alongwith practical example including price band.
2. Manner of writing case laws - Facts, Decision, Principle (sequence)
3. 67 case laws covered
4. Bonus Act - Set on , Set off table covered
5. List of important case laws & section numbers at the end of each chapter.
6. Concise coverage of Ethics & Communication
7. Best Drafts of Agreements covered in Communication.
8. Latest Stock Exchange notifications included
9. Last 6 exams solved papers.
10. It is concise yet comprehensive
Go for AMIT KARIA's LAW ETHICS & COMMUNICATION - 2012 3rd edition.
You'll come to know the difference... ALL THE BEST
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