Import Of Services -RCM

Mahesh (Accountant) (48 Points)

09 January 2022  


A Pvt. Ltd. Co. is taking web hosting services from a USA based foreign comapny. They have PAN No. and GST No. but GST No. is not like our domestic comapny. And they are saving we have to pay RCM and take the input Credit. Below is there comapny details.

DigitalOcean LLC 
101 Avenue of the Americas, 10th Floor 
New York, NY 10013 
GST number: 9917USA29005OS9

Q1. On the Invoice they mentioned there GST number: 9917USA29005OS9 but GST was not charged. So we have to pay rcm?

Q2. Do we have to raise self invoice and mentioned the self invoice no only in GSTR 1?

Q3. As the ITC will not refelct in GSTR 2B. Do we have to show that amount in GSTR3B and take the input credit? If yes under which 3.1 table where we have to show it and in table 4 in which coulmn we have to put  ITC amount in same month.

Q4. If  we are under QRMP Scheme and paying GST For M1 and M2 months by self assesement in pmt 06 challan. Can we pay the RCM and Take the input credit of the same in th same month or we have to take the credit in GSTR3B?