Filing itr for salaried professional with other investments

Amit Shah (Software Professional) (28 Points)

25 February 2018  
  1. I would like to get some guidance on filing ITR returns for FY 2017-2018. I am a salaried professional (I would have Form-16) with investments in other sources and also in stock market. I have the income tax calculations done for incomes coming from other sources (i.e. based on my tax slab). Through the Mprofit applications and the contract notes I have the short term and intraday profit/losses calculated. How do I proceed with income tax return filing?
    1. Given that LTCG is now taxed, how could I calculate that?
    2. What ITR Form do I need file?
    3. What steps do I need to follow to file the income tax on cleartax?
    4. Should I be taking assistance from a CA to file my ITR? If so, what would it be for?