ESOP treatment at the time of Sale by Employees.

Mohit Pathak (8 Points)

24 January 2024  

A Startup company issued 1000 ESOP @ 10 per share (face value) to its employees. The company went into acquisition and the acquirer bought all the ESOP at market price say 100 per share. The Acquiring company booked it as "Investment in the Startup" with the price paid i.e. 1000 x 100 = 1,00,000, however, in Startup's books the amount is standing as 100 x 10 = 10,000. 
Now when the company is trying to consolidate the books there is a difference of 90000. 

How should the Startup incorporate the transaction between the Acquiring company and Shareholders (employees holding ESOP) to match the investment amount as standing in Acquiring company's books of account.\?