Whether e-Form32 is required to submit in case of re-appointment of ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR in Private Limited Company ??
Whether e-Form32 is required to submit in case of re-appointment of DIRECTOR in Private Limited Company ??
CourseCart.in (Mentor at SHAYVIDZ Academy) (3756 Points)
18 August 2009Whether e-Form32 is required to submit in case of re-appointment of ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR in Private Limited Company ??
Whether e-Form32 is required to submit in case of re-appointment of DIRECTOR in Private Limited Company ??
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114778 Points)
Replied 18 August 2009
Dear Adarsh,
Yes. Filing of Form-32 is mandatory in both the above 2 cases.
When you re-appoint additional director in AGM as regular director you have to file form-32 with in 30 days of AGM.
Further in case of private company there is no need to re-appoint a director again and again as concept of rotational retirement is not applicable in case of private company.
(Mentor at SHAYVIDZ Academy)
(3756 Points)
Replied 18 August 2009
Dear Sir,
Thanks for your quick reply...
In case of Additional Director
So, you mean to say that there will be two information in single Form 32 fist for cessation by retirement & the second one for appointment of the same person?
Actually I just made Inspection of Public documents of one private limited company. The Data of said company informations shown as below :-
Full Name |
Present Residential Address |
Designation |
Date of Appointment |
WhetherDSC Regd or not |
00526752 |
Director |
04/01/2003 |
00526785 |
Director |
04/01/2003 |
NO |
Form No. |
Document ID |
Name |
Whether Appointment or Cessation |
w.e.f. |
Designation |
Form 32 |
D-20060731-6339107-EFORM |
Mahabir Prasad Sharma |
Appointment |
04/01/2003 |
Additional Director* |
Mr.Shree Kumar Sharma |
Appointment |
04/01/2003 |
Additional Director* |
M.Chitambara Ram Rao |
Cessation by way of Resignation |
06/01/2003 |
Director |
Smt.Aarti Arora |
Cessation by way of Resignation |
06/01/2003 |
Director |
So, Does it mean that there is no director in this company as on this date ?
The Directors report of last 4yrs shows that Mr. Mahabir Prasad & Me. Shree Kumar will retire in this AGM & are eligible for re-appointment.
(Mentor at SHAYVIDZ Academy)
(3756 Points)
Replied 18 August 2009
In case of Ordinary Directors of a Private Limited Company
The Directors report shows that the directors will be retire in this AGM & are eligilbe to be re-appointed. So, whether two form 32 for retirement & appointment should be filed every year of which the directors report shows this statement ?
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114778 Points)
Replied 18 August 2009
Kindly appreciate additional director automatically retire at the AGM and you have to re-appoint him as regular dir in the AGM u/s 257. In that case in from 32 you havev to select "change in designation" and "Director" only.
You don't have to give two information in single Form 32 fist for cessation by retirement & the second one for appointment of the same person. Hope it is clear now.
(Mentor at SHAYVIDZ Academy)
(3756 Points)
Replied 18 August 2009
I am not submitting any form.
I am preparing SEARCH Report of the Company.
So, I just want to know whether compnay is in default in filing Form 32 or the company has no director as additional directors were appoiinted in 2003 & no further efiling was made regarding appointment of director. ??
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114778 Points)
Replied 18 August 2009
Yes. Company is on default as additional director is working till date without filing of 32 and without regularisation. Actually legally he is not a dir of your co.
Read section 260+257.
(Mentor at SHAYVIDZ Academy)
(3756 Points)
Replied 18 August 2009
in the below discussion Ms. Gargi said that :-
hi ! Ankur jain sir ,I have not filed form 32 as he never cessed to be MD we are reappointing him as his agreement validity is over ,similarly in our resolution we have alredy specified that he is reappointed for next 2 years so according to my knowledge question of cessation does not arise ; at the same time cessation column in form 32 states that it is required to be filled only when director is not reappointed after cessation ; after making enquiry regarding same with MCA ;I came to know that it is not required to any Company to file form 32 at the time of reappointment if his designation remain same and even ankur srivastava sir suggest same ;thanks to all for all support ;plese guide me if u have any diffrent opinion;
https://w w w.caclubindia.com/forum/messages/2009/2/25218_filing_of_form_32.asp
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114778 Points)
Replied 18 August 2009
But when u regularise AD as regular dir u/s 257 this is a case of "change in designation". It has nothing to do with gargi's case.
(Mentor at SHAYVIDZ Academy)
(3756 Points)
Replied 18 August 2009
So u mean to say that it is required in case of Additional Director. Then what should we write in SEARCH Report if it is a case of Ordinary Director ?
In case of Ordinary Directors of a Private Limited Company
The Directors report shows that the directors will be retire in this AGM & are eligilbe to be re-appointed. So, whether two form 32 for retirement & appointment should be filed every year of which the directors report shows this statement ?
(Mentor at SHAYVIDZ Academy)
(3756 Points)
Replied 18 August 2009
There is another company who has been writing the above statement in its directors report since last 5 years... but never filed any form regarding ordinary director's reappointment.
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114778 Points)
Replied 18 August 2009
Let me tell you the exact provision regarding private limited company. Provision related to rotational retirement of director at the AGM is not applicable to a private company.
For example 2 director of a private company may continue to act without any re-appointment. So there is no need to mention anything in the director’s report regarding this.
However a private company may adopt this provision (Provision related to rotational retirement of director) through its Articles of association.
Check your AOA first. If there is nothing regarding provision related to rotational retirement of director then there is no problem even if director’s report desiring the re-appointment. But here drafting of director’s report is wrong.
If your AOA adopt the provisions and no form-32 filed then again your company is on default.
kota srinvias
(24 Points)
Replied 28 November 2013
If AD is regularised in ensuing AGM as Director, which date we should consider as his appointment date(whether AD appnt date or Regularisation Date?)
Secondly, for considering directors retire by rotation, this said AD who was elected as director, which date of appointment is considered for retire by rotation.
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