Din related query

purvikakani (CS) (99 Points)

17 October 2014  

Respected Professionals,

I have a following query:

One of the Company is a dormant company and I need to file Form GNL-2 for normalising the dormant company in order to file all pending Annual Filings. 

However while filing of Form GNL-2, I was unable to file the same and got error dat SIgnature validation failed for Director. Digital Signature for Director is registered on MCA then I realised Director havent filed DIN 2 &DIN 3. So as per new Act I initiated to file DIR3c but again I got an error message sayin the DIN is not associated with CIN under selected designation. 

I wrote to MCA and I got reply from them asking me to contact ROC USER to MAP DIN with Company. So as of now does that mean that since it is not PAN based DIN do i first need to file DIN 4?

Please provide your views on the same. 


Purvi Kakani