Rent to shareholder or relative of director

vivek somani (Accounts and taxation head)   (91 Points)

19 July 2014  

Dear all,

Please check the validity of the following transaction and also advice the related comlpliance


X Private Limited having Two director say M and N .

N is the son of M.

N and M both sold their 44% share to HUF and held with only 6 % sharing

HUF Gifted those shares to wife of M and N say A and B repectively



Now X ltd pays office rent 45000/-  per month to A who is wife of M and mother of N holding 44% Share

and also 2 month as security.


Is the above transaction valid as per companies act 2013?

Is there any additional compliance or form required to file for the same transaction under com. act 2013?


Also share the impact of Income tax  Act on the same.


Thanks in advance