Please don't do CA, unless.........

CA Srikanth Yadav (Chartered Accountant) (3162 Points)

09 December 2012  

Please don't do Chartered Accountancy in India, unless you have a very extreme and intense passion and interest towards the profession. I mean your desire to work in the areas of a Chartered Accountancy, should be the only driving factor for joining in CA. And this applies to any professional course. Because, if you are joining in any professional course (Medicine, law, Engineering, etc), it should only mean that you want to serve the profession in all respects without any intention whatsoever, of making money! 

"In business, making profits is not the only reason for doing it and whereas in profession, making profits should not, in any way, be the reason for doing the same."
              - John Walks

Else, please don't do it!!!
Coz the supply of CAs in India, at present is miles ahead of its demand. it's already filled with full of unemployment and underemployment!

I see most people are joining in CA, with the thinking that there is a job guarantee!!! I want to throw some light to them. No profession can give you that kind of a guarantee. At the end of the day, it is your skills, your knowledge, your abilities, your talent and your attitude which actually matters. It is up to you as to how effectively you can make use of your CA degree. 

And coaching institutes displaying ads in the tv, is only deteriorating the situation!!! The Institute should keep a check on this immediately!

I very strongly believe that there are very very few people, who are joining (and who have joined) in the course, with the plain intention of serving the profession!!!
This thread is posted only in the best interest of the profession of Chartered Accountancy!