Umbrella can't stop the Rain...:-)

RaGHuRaM (The Easy are never Good and the Good are never Easy....)   (4952 Points)

03 June 2012  

Never design your character like a garden where anyone can walk..

Design it like the sky where everyone aspires to reach.

Aim high! Reach high! yes


Umbrella can't stop the rain,

But makes us stand the rain..

Confidence may not bring success,

But gives power to face any challenge in life....

So, always be confident....angel


HOPE & END are always there for everyone!

Depends on us how we deal with them..



An ENDLESS HOPE!!! enlightened


If you believe you can, you probably can.

If you believe you won’t, you most assuredly won’t.

Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad....cheeky


Thanks and Best Regards
