default search engine in Google Chrome Browser


How to set CAclubindia as default search engine in Google Chrome Browser

1. Open the Brower

2. Click "Customize and Control" icon generally location on the right hand side of the address bar .

3. Select "options" from menu

4. Lookout for Default Searching Engine under Basic Tab

5. Select "Manage"

6. Select "Add" option

7. Fill the form as below

            Name : CAclubindia

            Keyword :  CAclubindia           

            URL : /search_results.asp?cx=005496326945713593920%3A2erlf2o-rhi&cof=FORID%3A11&q=%s

8.Then click OK button and then select "Make Default" (make sure the new entry is highlighted)

9. Close the dialog Box.

Now u r ready to go .

Just search anything to related to finance and tax from the address bar just type any keyword aka Search term in the address bar and press Enter or Return Key