Hi members, I am bit confused about my career and so I request you to help me make a decision.
I joined Bharti Airtel Limited (my first job) in February for a three months contract in Internal Control and Management (Process & Governance team, to be precise). The hiring was for a particular assignment and the salary was handsome as well. As I had to appear for CA Final exams in May, I was relieved in late April and it was agreed that I will complete the balance duration of the contract after the exams (subject to necessary approvals). But now, the same is not carried forward and it would stand terminated at the original date. Also, I had finished the assignment before taking leave in April and so the intent of hiring was also accomplished. And I have been told that I may join after results. Its literally an open invitation, though subject to qualifying as a CA. The stint was absolutely pressure and hassle free and my boss had been a very friendly person. Infact, the experience of working with him just increased my love for the organisation, the team and the job. He supported and guided throughout, cleared doubts whenever they arose and made sure that I do not feel any kind of tension or uneasiness during the job. And therefore, the organisation is my favoriate for pursuing a career at the moment.
That being said, I have got 2-3 calls from Accenture since the last 2 months asking whether I am interested in working with them. And I have been promised a profile commensurate with my skills and experience.
So, I want to know how is Accenture for a Chartered Accountant or aspiring candidate. How good would be the decision to work there? Though, I rate Accenture as a highly reputed and professional organisation and the job offer from it should only be welcomed, would request member's opinion about the same.
Amidst all, I am in confusion among the following options:
Option 1: Join Accenture and continue there (if there is any opportunity)
Option 2: Wait till the results and try getting back in Bharti Airtel and in the meanwhile continue my job search and research.
Option 3: Try and find an empty slot for GMCS, complete it and find another contract job for fixed duration. By the completion of it, results will be out and therefore will be more clarity on the choice to be made.
Having scriptted all that, its very difficult to ignore an opportunity from Accenture. And though the xams were good, I cannot afford to sit hoping to get through. I am crazy for working in both the companies, but I am more inclined towards Bharti Airtel Limited. I always wanted to start my career in bluechip major company and I got exactly that, and that too without any references and at this juncture, I am very confused about the decision to be made.
Therefore, I request the members to give their valuable advices, especially in how good option Accenture is? If there are members here from Accenture, please share your opinions.
Please bail me out from this tussle.